Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan received last Monday (24/8/21) French Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian and Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly, in the presence of Commander of the UAE Air Force (UAEAF) Major-General Staff Pilot Ibrahim Nasser Al-Alawi.
Le Drian and Parly conveyed French President Emmanuel Macron’s thanks and appreciation for the UAE’s role in facilitating the evacuation of French diplomats and nationals from Kabul Airport in Afghanistan.
There is talk that Le Drian also took the opportunity to renew his efforts to market the Dassault Rafale fighter jet to the UAE.
What was Sheikh Mohammad's response to Le Drian's efforts?
Tactical Report answers this question and more in the following 298-word news report.
[Fully reproduced in TR Weekly 28/35 – August 27, 2021]

Thursday, August 26, 2021
UAE: France renews efforts to market Rafale fighternote
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