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Thursday, February 23, 2023

Saudi Arabia: Al-Bayari-Wadephul talks on arms ban workaroundsnote

On the sidelines of Germany’s 59th Munich Security Conference (MSC) which took place on 17-19/2/2023, Saudi Assistant Defense Minister for Executive Affairs Khaled Al-Bayari met with the Deputy Chairman of the Democratic Parliamentary Group for Foreign Affairs and Defense Policy and the Council of Europe in the German Parliament Dr. Johann Wadephul.

Al-Bayari and Wadephul reportedly agreed that the current state of military sales between Saudi Arabia and Germany is not ideal due to the 2018 arms ban, and discussed ways to circumvent it.

What military equipment is the German government ready to allow?

What workarounds for the arms ban did Wadephul suggest during the meeting?

To answer these questions and more, Tactical Report has prepared a 198-word report.  

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