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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Qatar-Transfer of Defense Technology: Exploring cooperation with South Koreanote

Qatari Minister of State for Defense Affairs Khaled Al-Attiyah visited South Korea last week (6/6/2023) and met with his South Korean counterpart Lee Jong-sup.

Within this context, the Qatari Ministry of State for Defense Affairs is expected to sign a defense memorandum of understanding (MoU) with South Korea.

Tactical Report has prepared a report (249 words) to highlight this matter, including:

- The ongoing discussions between the two countries regarding several defense domains

- Barzan Holdings’ role in securing a number of transfer of technology (TOT) agreements with South Korean companies

- Qatar’s position on acquiring the M-SAM medium-range air defense system

The report also highlights the Pentagon’s role in the Qatari-South Korean defense cooperation. 

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