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Tuesday, August 08, 2023

UAE-Security: Cooperation with Italy on cyber and border securitynote

The UAE is in talks with Italy for cooperation on cyber and border security solutions.

EDGE Group is said to be interested in benefiting from the experience of a specific Italian defense company in the mentioned domains.

Note that we previously reported on the prospects of Emirati-Italian relations in light of the meeting of UAE President Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed and Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni last March 2023 in Abu Dhabi.

Tactical Report has prepared a report (269 words) to highlight the matter, including:

- The Italian defense company EDGE is interested in cooperating with

- The talks between EDGE and the Italian MoD

- EDGE’s efforts to address security solutions, especially after acquiring Etimad Holding

The report also highlights the views of President Sheikh Mohammad and his son, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Khaled, on expanding defense relations with Italian defense companies. 

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