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Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Saudi Arabia-Radars: Talks between SAMI and CETC on the YLC-16note

SAMI and China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) are said to be negotiating Saudi participation in the YLC 16 S-Band radar program and receiving a TOT.

Negotiations involve engineers from the Prince Sultan Defense Studies and Research Center.

Note that the Kingdom was previously reported to be in talks with CETC to procure the SLC-7 radar.

Tactical Report highlights this matter, including:

- The status of the talks on the YLC 16 S-Band radar

- The radar’s technologies expected to be transferred to Saudi Arabia

- A crucial capability of the radar that China still didn’t agree to transfer its technology

The report also mentions the role that the Digital Solutions Support Lead at SAMI Dr. Mohammad Alkahtani is playing in the negotiations.

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