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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Qatar-U.S. Defense Relations: A “distinguished” space cooperation on the horizonnote

Qatari advisor to the Minister of State for Defense Affairs for Communications and Space Affairs Major General Abdulaziz Bin Falah Al-Dosari met on 5/9/2023 with the Director of Strategy, Plans, and Policy at the U.S. Space Command Major General Michael Morrissey.

He also met with the Deputy Commander of the Joint Task Force at the U.S. Space Command in Denver, Colorado Brigadier General Dennis Bythewood.

The meetings discussed a forthcoming “distinguished” space cooperation between Qatar and the U.S.

Tactical Report highlights the meetings, including:

- An understanding reached concerning a space cooperation program

- What the program includes

- Major General Al-Dosari’s expectations for the future of space defense cooperation with Washington

The report also mentions a promise Qatari Emir Tamim had previously received from U.S. President Joe Biden concerning space cooperation.

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