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Thursday, September 21, 2023

Yemen: Houthi demands and the limits of negotiations with Saudi Arabianote

Houthi officials left Riyadh last Tuesday (19/9/2023) after a five-day round of talks with Saudi officials aiming to resolve the Yemen conflict.

The Houthi delegation met with Saudi Minister of Defense Prince Khaled Bin Salman.

While Saudi authorities did not disclose much details, they praised the talks' positive outcomes.

Note that this came in parallel with the visit of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS) to Oman.

Tactical Report highlights the Houthi delegation's visit to the Kingdom, including:

- The Houthi priorities

- Their demands for what a comprehensive agreement with the Kingdom should include

- Sayyid Abdulmalik Al-Houthi outlining clear limitations for the negotiations


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