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Friday, June 07, 2024

Iraq, LIG Nex1, and M-SAM procurement updatenote

Iraqi Minister of Defense Thabet Mohammad Al-Abbasi met with his South Korean counterpart Shin Won-sik during an official visit to Seoul in March 2024.

During the meeting, Al-Abbasi and Won-sik discussed defense cooperation in several fields.

Al-Abbasi also received a briefing on the M-SAM air defense system from LIG Nex1 officials.

Note that the Iraqi Ministry of Defense expressed interest in procuring the M-SAM.

The note provides a comprehensive overview of the following aspects:

- The status of talks concerning the M-SAM

- The reason for Iraq to procure the M-SAM

- The sources for funding a deal

- The U.S. views on defense cooperation between Iraq and South Korea

The note also highlights the potential areas of defense cooperation between the two countries.

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