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Thursday, July 25, 2024

UAE: MBZ and Sheikh Tahnoon on Israeli-Houthi escalationnote

The Israeli Air Force conducted airstrikes on the Yemeni Port of Hodeidah on 20/7/2024.

Following the airstrikes, Emirati President Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed (MBZ) urgently contacted regional and international leaders.

UAE National Security Advisor Sheikh Tahnoon Bin Zayed also contacted U.S. officials, including National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and regional parties that support the Houthis.

The note provides a comprehensive overview of the following aspects:

- MBZ’s and Sheikh Tahnoon’s views on the Israeli airstrikes

- A request made by MBZ during his contacts

- The outcome of Sheikh Tahnoon-Sullivan discussions

- The regional parties’ stance on Israeli-Houthi military confrontations

The note also highlights an attempt by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to pursue further military endeavors as perceived by Abu Dhabi.

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