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Tuesday, October 08, 2024

UAE: MBZ and Sheikh Tahnoon on dealing with regional tensions, impact on normalizationnote

As regional tensions escalate, the recent Iranian missile attack on Israel has sent shockwaves across the Middle East, drawing significant attention from UAE leadership, including President Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed (MBZ) and his brother, UAE National Security Advisor Sheikh Tahnoon.

In response to this surprising act, the UAE has opted for a measured approach to navigate the heightened tensions while prioritizing regional stability.

The following note provides a comprehensive understanding of key aspects, including:

- The manner in which Abu Dhabi chose to deal with rising regional tensions

- MBZ's perspective on the implications of regional escalation and potential Iranian-American or Iranian-Israeli military confrontation

- The UAE’s strategy for preventing further conflict

- Sheikh Tahnoon’s proactive engagement in diplomatic efforts to reduce tensions

- The UAE's commitment to safeguarding Gulf security, including vital maritime routes

- The potential impact of these developments on the UAE’s normalization process with Israel

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