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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Saudi-British Defense Relations In Light of Secretary Wallace’s Visit to Riyadhin-depth

British Secretary of Defense Ben Wallace traveled to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on December 15-16, 2021 to discuss issues relating to bilateral defense relations, including cooperation between the British and Saudi industries and militaries.

Secretary Wallace’s visit comes at a time when British-Saudi relations are re-energizing, as we described in a previous report. The latest interaction signals an ever-expanding scope of work that includes air defense technology transfer, air-to-surface munition localization, and sustained technical and intelligence support.

Our 1,661-word special report also looks at the backlog of Saudi-British deals in negotiations such as the CAMM-ER purchase (with technology transfer), Storm Shadow localization, and the long-frozen Eurofighter Typhoon follow-on order. For context and retrospect, we also provide an overview of the longstanding but still ongoing defense cooperation programs such as;

-Typhoon’s in-country Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) operations

-Hawk Trainer assembly

-Saudi Arabian National Guard Communications Project (SANGCOM)

-Ministry of Defense Saudi Armed Forces Projects (MODSAP)

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