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Wednesday, December 07, 2022

President Xi Jinping’s Visit to Riyadh: What are the Chinese expectations?in-depth

Chinese President Xi Jingping is set to visit Riyadh today (7/12/2022), with three summits taking place on the sidelines of his visit.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz suggested that his upcoming meeting with President Jinping will be one that will surprise many Saudi-China watchers.

Several areas of interest are expected to be discussed between the Chinese and the Saudi sides to enhance their bilateral ties in the areas of energy, communication, aviation, finance and investment, culture, education, public health, technology, tourism, media, and security.

Other files that China is expected to be interested in discussing reportedly include the continued dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Our 1980-word report sheds light on China's expectations of the upcoming visit.

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