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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Saudi Arabia: Are SAMI and GAMI reaching Vision 2030 objectives?in-depth

Saudi Arabia's defense industry giants, SAMI and GAMI, play a vital role in achieving the ambitious goals of Vision 2030.

With an aim to localize 50% of defense spending by 2030, these entities strive to establish a self-sustaining domestic defense industry and diversify the Saudi economy.

However, several years into Vision 2030, there is the question of how much progress have SAMI and GAMI achieved. Consequently, will the Saudi defense pair manage to fulfill its objectives?

Tactical Report has prepared a special report (1,993 words) that highlights the following:

-SAMI and GAMI leading 2030 defense efforts

-Progress in localization

-Obstacles and shortfalls

In addition, our report assesses if SAMI and GAMI can reach their 50% localization target by 2030, given their current rate.  

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