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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Profile - Oman: Sayyid Theyazin, the forthcoming Crown Princein-depth

Sultan Haitham of Oman issued a royal decree on 11/01/2021 whereby he announced constitutional changes that include the appointment of a Crown Prince for the first time in Oman.

The decree establishes a fundamental law defining a clear succession order, ensuring that the Sultan's throne is passed down to his eldest son, followed by the eldest son of the succeeding Sultan, and so forth.

The selection of Sayyid Theyazin as Oman's first Crown Prince demonstrates Sultan Haitham's confidence in his capabilities and preparedness to assume future leadership responsibilities.

Sayyid Theyazin is said to be well acquainted with public administration and has been keeping busy as the country’s Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth since August 2020.

Once officially inaugurated as Crown Prince, Sayyid Theyazin is expected to face numerous challenges.

Tactical Report has prepared a 1623-word Profile of Sayyid Theyazin to provide a comprehensive analysis of his rising role as the country's anticipated Crown Prince. The report also delves into his expertise and skills, and vision for the Sultanate. Here are some key points of the report:

-The Crown Prince’s ambience in the Sultanate

-Sayyid Theyazin’s biography

-His rising role and responsibilities, and the projects he pioneered

-His connections with Al Said and Al-Busaidi families, and senior military commanders

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