Kuwaiti Emir Sabah Al-Ahmad, who is still in Washington, is said to have ordered to take all necessary measures to defend the country.
He gave his orders from Washington while taking part via a TV monitor in an urgent military meeting convened yesterday (17/9/19) at the Kuwaiti Defence Ministry.
This came after an unidentified drone was spotted flying over the Kuwaiti capital on Saturday (14/9/2019), shortly before the attacks on Saudi oil facilities took place.
The Kuwaiti government stated the following day that it is investigating the drone sighting.
Tactical Report has prepared a 394-word report to shed more light on Kuwaiti Emir's participation in the meeting and his orders and instructions.
[Briefly reproduced in TR Weekly Issue No 26/38 – Sept. 20, 2019]

Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Kuwait: Emir Sabah orders to defend the countrynote
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