
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Saudi Prince Khaled and cease-fire in Yemennote
The Saudi-led coalition announced last Friday (24/4/20) that the cease-fire in Yemen will be extended for a month.
Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khaled Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz is said to have linked the decision to humanitarian considerations and efforts to contain the coronavirus epidemic, as was requested by the United Nations.
Will the military operations cease completely?
Is the move linked to talks on political solution in Yemen?
Will any field changes be implemented?
Tactical Report answers these questions and more in the following 356-word report.
[TR Weekly Issue No 27/18 – May 1, 2020]
Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khaled Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz is said to have linked the decision to humanitarian considerations and efforts to contain the coronavirus epidemic, as was requested by the United Nations.
Will the military operations cease completely?
Is the move linked to talks on political solution in Yemen?
Will any field changes be implemented?
Tactical Report answers these questions and more in the following 356-word report.
[TR Weekly Issue No 27/18 – May 1, 2020]
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