
Friday, September 18, 2020
Russian MiG-29s shot down in Libya?note
Director of Intelligence for US Africa Command (AFRICOM) Rear Admiral Heidi Berg confirmed on 11/9/20 that two MiG-29 Fulcrum fighter jets have crashed in Libya so far, one on June 28 and another on September 7.
Rear Admiral Berg added that it "wasn’t clear" whether the fighter jets had been shot down or not.
There is talk that the MiG-29s were taken down by missile systems being deployed in Libya by Turkey.
Tactical Report has prepared a 328-word report to shed more light on the subject.
[TR Weekly Issue No 27/38 – September 18, 2020]
Rear Admiral Berg added that it "wasn’t clear" whether the fighter jets had been shot down or not.
There is talk that the MiG-29s were taken down by missile systems being deployed in Libya by Turkey.
Tactical Report has prepared a 328-word report to shed more light on the subject.
[TR Weekly Issue No 27/38 – September 18, 2020]
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