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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Kuwait: KLF, and rapid intervention unitsnote

Since the Chief of Staff of the Kuwait Armed Forces Lt-General Sheikh Khaled Al-Saleh took charge in September 2020, he has moved towards developing the combat capabilities of the Kuwait Land Forces (KLF) in cooperation with the U.S, Britain, and France.

Defense Minister Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali Al-Sabah, under the direction of Crown Prince and Head of Kuwait’s National Security Council Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad, agreed to purchase more equipment and supplies for the KLF.

The decision came in as a result of the increasing need to protect the land borders, based on a program presented by the Chief of Staff of the Kuwait Armed Forces Lt-General Sheikh Khaled Al-Saleh.

This program is reported to include the establishment of special land units for rapid intervention, with advanced equipment.

Tactical Report has prepared a 331-word report, to shed more light on the subject. 

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