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Thursday, September 07, 2023

Iran-U.S. Indirect Talks: Positive signals about Omani proposalsnote

Iran is providing positive signals regarding the upcoming indirect talks with the U.S. expected in Oman.

In this context, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is said to be positively dealing with the proposals of Sultan Haitham.

Note that an agreement was reached last month between the U.S. and Iran to secure the release of five incarcerated Americans in return for releasing a number of detained Iranians.

Tactical Report highlights this matter, including:

- Three proposals by Sultan Haitham

- Muscat’s views on the U.S. military buildup in the Gulf region

- Tehran’s view on the U.S. military buildup affecting the indirect talks

The report also mentions several countries offering a mediating role between Iran and the U.S.

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