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Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Saudi concerns over the U.S. tying nuclear file with normalizationnote

For Saudi Arabia to acquire the U.S.-based Westinghouse technology for their nuclear project, Washington is imposing difficult conditions.

The Kingdom seems to be showing flexibility towards the U.S. requests.

However, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS) is said to be skeptical about the American readiness to cooperate with Riyadh.

This note provides a comprehensive overview of the following key aspects:

- The U.S. demands that Saudi Arabia became flexible about

- The effects of the Gaza War on the nuclear project

- The Kingdom’s preferred solution for the project

- MBS’ suspicions concerning U.S. reluctance to cooperate on the project

Furthermore, the note delves into the Saudi alternative option if the talks with the U.S. reach a dead end.

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