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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Iraq: Impact of recent attacks on U.S. bases on Rafale dealnote

The talks between Iraq and France regarding the Rafale deal continue to experience fluctuations.

Several hurdles are impeding progress on the Rafale file, especially the recent attacks by Iraqi factions against U.S. bases, causing setbacks in negotiations between Baghdad and Paris.

The following note provides a comprehensive overview of the following aspects:

- A recent decision by the French Ministry of Armed Forces concerning the Rafale talks

- The positions of the new French PM and Foreign Minister on the Rafale deal

- Iraqi internal differences concerning the deal

The note also highlights the meeting on 10/2/2024 between the Chief of Staff of the Iraqi Armed Forces Lt-General Abdul Amir Rashid Yarallah and the Commander of the NATO Mission in Iraq General Jose Antonio.

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