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Published Notes and In-Depth Reports

Total Results:4


Summary: Saudi Arabia has received the final bids for its civilian nuclear program before the bidding deadline on 31/12/2023.Since then, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS) has been assessing the fina...



Summary: Saudi Arabia has received the final bids for its civilian nuclear program before the bidding deadline on 31/12/2023.Although most long-involved countries submitted their offers, some failed to submit ...



The Saudi nuclear dilemmain-depth

October 31, 2023

Summary: Since 2013, Saudi Arabia has had plans to build its first nuclear reactor and establish a civil nuclear power industry.Since then, the Kingdom has received several bids from different countries for it...



Summary: Saudi Arabia is receiving multiple offers for nuclear power reactors and uranium enrichment.Although Saudi CP Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS) prefers to deal with one supplier, many issues lie in between.Ta...



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