Published Notes and In-Depth Reports
Total Results:3
Saudi NSG-Safran: Space cooperation and TOTnote
November 12, 2024
Summary: Neo Space Group (NSG) and Safran are discussing collaboration opportunities in Saudi Arabia's space sector.The talks between the two companies also included transfer of technology (TOT) agreements.The...
Saudi Neo Space Group: Companies eyed for acquisition and TOTnote
November 04, 2024
Summary: Neo Space Group (NSG) continues to advance efforts to acquire various firms and secure transfer of technology (TOT) agreements with several space technology companies.The note provides a comprehensive...
Company Profile: Saudi Neo Space Group, a new pioneer in satellite and space industry?in-depth
September 05, 2024
Summary: Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) has taken a bold step into the space sector with the launch of Neo Space Group (NSG) in May 2024.Tasked with propelling the Kingdom into the global space ec...
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