Published Notes and In-Depth Reports
Total Results:3
Qatar: Hypersonic goals and timetablenote
June 21, 2022
Summary: Qatari Emir Tamim is reported to be showing interest in hypersonic weapons and monitoring all the latest projects in this sector.Doha is said to be dedicating an initial budget to establishing a hyper...
UAE: interest in U.S. Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI) hypersonicsnote
April 28, 2022
Summary: Chief of Staff of the UAE Armed Forces Lt-General Hamad Mohammad Thani Al-Rumaithi is reported to be interested in the U.S. projects to build a hypersonic Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI).
He is said to...
Saudi Arabia: On Hypersonic weapons prioritiesnote
April 14, 2022
Summary: Saudi Arabia is showing high interest in hypersonic weapons.Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz is reported to believe that the U.S. is likely to prevent the export of its future hype...
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