Published Notes and In-Depth Reports
Total Results:3
Summary: Qatari Emiri Air Force (QEAF) intends to replenish its stockpile of air-launched missiles along with transfer of technology (TOT) agreements.Barzan Holdings is in talks with European defense companies...
Egypt: EW and air defense targets for 2023note
February 03, 2023
Summary: The Egyptian Ministry of Military Production (MoMP) is reported to be in talks with U.S., European, and Asian defense companies for the procurement of electronic warfare (EW) and air defense systems a...
GCC concerns about military partnerships amid the Ukraine Warnote
December 08, 2022
Summary: GCC countries are reported to be concerned about the future of defense partnerships with several allied arms-exporting countries amid the unabating Ukraine War and its repercussions on the arms indust...
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