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Thursday, February 24, 2022

GCC and Military Space Technologiesin-depth

Space is increasingly recognized by GCC states as an operational military domain, vital for intelligence, communications and navigation. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman have acquired and are interested in possessing civilian, military, and dual-use satellites. GCC countries pursue imaging, communications, missile defense, and navigation satellites.

Our 7,440 (30 pages) word report provides an overview of the space programs of all GCC states: space agencies, satellite programs, ground stations, space launch providers, rocket launchers, and more. We also evaluate each national space program’s aims and capabilities. Our study of the GCC space race is framed in the wider context.

We take into account the major international players in space - the U.S, France, Russia, China, Ukraine, India and Japan - and how they have interacted with the local stakeholders (deals, agreements, etc.), to provide a holistic view of the region’s space ambitions .

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