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Friday, November 25, 2022

Saudi-U.S. defense relations in damage control: troop presence, military sales, and alternativesin-depth

Saudi-U.S. military relations are nearing a watershed moment following Riyadh’s decision to cut down on oil production in OPEC+ and Washington’s subsequent threat to downsize defense cooperation. This development comes amid a growing energy crisis fueled by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and exacerbates an already cold relationship between U.S. President Joe Biden and Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman bin Abdulaziz.

Since the election of President Biden, who had pledged to make Crown Prince Mohammad a pariah due to human rights violations, Saudi-U.S. relations have rapidly deteriorated, despite their codependency.

Our 1,913-word report (6-pages) provides an overview and analysis of the current state of military affairs between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. Our special report is structured as follows:

-Saudi MoD and Pentagon on Damage Control

-Shrinking U.S. Presence in Saudi Arabia: Air Defense Withdrawal; Continuous Presence at Prince Sultan Air Base; Western Saudi Arabia: Still the Fallback Plan?

-U.S. Foreign Military Sales in Free Fall: GEM-Ts for Patriots, MIDS-LVT for THAADs, AIM-120C for RSAF

-Riyadh looking for alternatives: Closer ties with Europe, Saudis look East 

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