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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Company Profile: UAE’s Trust International Group (TIG), part of EDGEin-depth

EDGE Group acquired Tawazun Economic Council’s company Trust International Group (TIG) on 27/03/2023 and incorporated it under its Trading & Mission Support cluster.

TIG is a defense trading specialist and a leading supplier of high-quality solutions to the UAE Armed Forces and security organizations.

The newly-absorbed company will bring forth a range of notable capabilities to enhance EDGE's product catalog.

Indeed, EDGE’s acquisition of TIG strengthens its presence in the defense industry, enhances its export capabilities, and provides opportunities for collaboration and growth in various sectors related to national security.

Tactical Report has prepared a 771-word Company Profile of TIG to deliver exclusive information on EDGE’s motives for acquiring it, its line of services, in addition to its key partners, and set strategy and objectives shedding light on the following:

-Main reasons and potential benefits of the merger

-Company overview and its mission and vision

-Its products and solutions

-Its leadership wing

-Its local and foreign defense partnerships 

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