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Thursday, September 21, 2023

Defense Organization Profile - Saudi Arabia: The General Authority for Defense Development (GADD)in-depth

As a step to develop the Saudi defense industry, Saudi King Salman greenlighted on 14/09/2021 the creation of the General Authority for Defense Development (GADD).

Possessing both legal and financial independence, GADD's principal purpose is to lead the entirety of Saudi Arabia's endeavors related to R&D and innovation within the realms of technology and defense systems.

Doing so, GADD is set to play a significant part in the Kingdom's plan to localize 50% of its military equipment and further enhance the Saudi defense industry and the national economy.

Tactical Report has prepared a Profile of Saudi GADD covering various aspects of this organization, including its background, purpose, partnerships, and future initiatives aimed at enhancing the Kingdom's defense industry and capabilities.

Key points covered in the report include:

- Overview of GADD

- Objectives and strategy

- Budget and funding

- Partnerships and planned projects

- Defense projects with Saudi Aramco

- GADD’s governor and his defense vision

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