
Monday, August 30, 2021
Qatar Defense Ministry, relations with Havelsannote
Senior officials from the Qatar Ministry of State for Defense Affairs are said to be satisfied with the current level of cooperation with Turkish defense company Havelsan in the field of military systems.
Meanwhile, there is talk that these officials are looking to expand this cooperation to include other fields as well.
Which fields would this include?
Tactical Report answers this question and more in the following 313-word report.
[Briefly reproduced in TR Weekly 28/36 – September 3, 2021]
Meanwhile, there is talk that these officials are looking to expand this cooperation to include other fields as well.
Which fields would this include?
Tactical Report answers this question and more in the following 313-word report.
[Briefly reproduced in TR Weekly 28/36 – September 3, 2021]
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