Published Notes and In-Depth Reports
Total Results:7
EastMed-Cyprus: Nicosia to abandon gas exports to Egypt?note
June 26, 2023
Summary: Earlier this month (1/6/2023), partners in Cyprus’ Aphrodite field announced their plans to build a subsea pipeline connecting the field to Egyptian liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities. However, it...
EastMed: Chevron’s plans for Aphroditenote
July 18, 2022
Summary: The CEO of the U.S. multinational energy corporation Chevron Michael Wirth is said to be still working on the settling of the Aphrodite-Ishai field border delineation between Cyprus and Israel.However...
EastMed: Chevron’s plans for Leviathan and Aphroditenote
June 22, 2022
Summary: The Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) and the U.S. multinational energy corporation Chevron signed in Cairo on Monday (20/6/2022) a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the transport, import...
Lebanon-Israel: No disputed area between Lines 23 and 29... yet !in-depth
June 16, 2022
Summary: The arrival of the Energean drilling vessel in the Karish field has escalated tensions between Lebanon and Israel. Are Israel's activities considered illegal according to the maritime border law? Are ...
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Lebanon: Chevron’s interest in Levant offshore basinnote
June 07, 2022
Summary: The U.S. multinational energy corporation Chevron will continue to look for investment opportunities in the East Mediterranean, including the Levant basin offshore Lebanon.However, Chevron will mainta...
EastMed: Chevron Aphrodite-Ishai disputenote
May 24, 2022
Summary: The CEO of the U.S. energy corporation Chevron Michael Wirth is eager for current maritime border negotiations between Israel and Cyprus to conclude to end the Aphrodite-Ishai dispute.He is said to ha...
Israel: Obstacles to Potential Gas Export Routes to Europenote
April 19, 2022
Summary: Europe's willingness to diversify their gas imports following Russia's invasion of Ukraine has given the opportunity for the Eastern Mediterranean to rise as a potential supplier. Israel is currently ...
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