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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Saudi-French defense relations expanding to new heightsin-depth

Saudi-French relations have significantly recovered after an impasse in 2018-2020 and expanded in 2022. The warming defense ties with Paris are part of a Saudi plan to offset the deteriorating defense partnership with the U.S. while remaining connected to the West. As Saudi procurement of U.S. arms is decreasing and restricted to “self-defense” equipment, France has an enormous potential to grow its market share.

Our 1,561-word (5 pages) special report examines the French defense activity in Saudi Arabia over the past two years. It also highlights some potential major defense deals between the Saudi Ministry of Defense (MoD) and Naval Group, Thales, Dassault, MBDA, and Nexter for 2023.

Our report is structured as follows:

-French defense activity in Saudi Arabia

-Naval Group’s push for a major sale

-Thales maintains business as usual

-Dassault sees Rafale opportunity

-MBDA and munition supply

-Nexter eyes growing Saudi land requirements

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